Does My Baby Need A Sound Machine?

You found out that you’re expecting, congratulations! Or you recently had a baby, and are wondering if the sound machines are a necessary item to add to baby’s nursery. Although It’s not essential, a sound machine will help create a healthy sleep environment for baby. However, not all sound machines are the same. So why are they helpful, and how do you choose one? Let’s talk about it!

It's Loud in the Womb!

Babies are used to the sounds in the womb. For around 40 weeks, they hear the sound of blood rushing through the placenta, which makes a “shhhhhh” sound. They’re not just used to this sound, it’s completely normal to them; they’ve heard it for months now! A similar sound is white, brown, or even green noise. Lullaby music, waves and rain can stimulate baby’s brain and hinder sleep. The white noise “shushing” sound is very calming to baby, and most conducive to sleep. Although many sound machines come with various sounds, you want to make sure whichever machine you choose offers a “shhhhh” sound to help lull baby to sleep – and keep them sleeping soundly.

Skip the Timer Feature

Many sound machines also have a timer feature. This may seem like a good idea, but in reality, when the white noise shuts off, baby wakes up. Skip the timer feature and keep the white noise on for the entire duration of their sleep. This goes for not only nighttime, but naps too!

Does Placement Matter?

Ideally, a sound machine should be placed on the other side of the nursery from baby’s crib, away from walls or corners so the sound fills the room. You want the sound to be loud, but also adjustable. Wherever you place it, do not put it in baby’s crib or right next to it. It should be at least 5 to 6 feet away from baby’s crib or bassinet.

Are The Loud Sounds Safe For Baby?

The sounds in the womb can reach over 90 decibels, it’s a loud place to be! Your baby has been living in this environment for several months, they’re used to loud living conditions. Keeping the sound machine around 65 decibels will calm, soothe, and relax baby, which contributes to a healthy sleep environment. The volume will also depend on how far away it’s placed from baby. There are apps available to check the decibel level for you.

Nightlight Or No Light?

Many parents are surprised to learn that most lights – even the dimmest glow of a white nightlight -can interfere with baby’s sleep. The exception to this is red light. The Hatch sound machine has a nightlight option with a variety of colors, including red. Although this isn’t necessary, it’s a nice feature if you do want a bit of light in the room. Just be sure to choose red for both day and nighttime sleep.

Is Portable Important?

If your family is the traveling type, it may be worth purchasing a portable one, as they’re smaller sized and are great for traveling. Some of the sound machines out there are great for home use, but a bit heavy and cumbersome to pack. Some of the portable options can also attach to a stroller, which is an added bonus. Just pay close attention to the volume, as it will be much closer to baby’s ears.

Is A Sound Machine Just For Newborns?

A sound machine is great for older babies and toddlers too! It helps to drown out the noise of dogs barking, parents talking, that latest TV show you’re catching up on once baby is asleep, or a crying new sibling.

Purchasing a sound machine for your baby is a great addition to the nursery. Not only will it assist in providing healthy sleep habits, but will soothe and calm them, drown out noises outside of their bedroom, and help them sleep longer. I recommend them for toddlers as well, especially if another baby comes along. And who knows – you may love it so much, you purchase another one for yourself!


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